London Wall

Intelliflo are a global fintech company based in London that delivers market leading SaaS products to the financial services industry. Founded in 2004, today Intelliflo has over 200 staff and show no signs of slowing down.

According to the team responsible for the design of the space at RAW Brothers, “Their existing workplace had become tired and cramped. Intelliflo wanted to keep the startup energy and family feel.

The result is a modern interpretation of the Intelliflo brand, with open spaces and workplace settings that encourage movement across all floors, to maximise collaboration and interactions.

Technology is a key driver and influenced the design of spaces, with areas of writable and pinnable surfaces to help with stand-up meetings and mobbing.”

Float, our sliding panel system, not only helped to deliver a workspace that is flexible thanks to lightweight panels that can be moved in seconds, but also provided a plethora of functional surfaces.

Writable panels help with team meetings, as do the soft pinnable surfaces, with some polyester Serenity panels to aid both visual aesthetics and acoustics.